Live your true nature!
Join this transformative 4-week training designed to
connect deeply to your self and activate your inner wisdom
Whether you're navigating the complexities of life, feeling stuck, looking for a way to break free from recurrent patterns or pains, or simply looking for spiritual growth, our training is designed to guide you toward healing, inner freedom, empowerment and profound transformation.
This 4-week journey is crafted to support you in:
The sessions will invite you to go beyond the thinking mind and sink deep into the wisdom of your body and authentic self. |
The training guides you through releasing old patterns and embracing transformative growth, emerging stronger and more aligned with your essence. |
Through healing journeys you will cleanse what no longer serves you and align your energy with the cosmic light. |
By harvesting the gifts and wisdom of our stories we can start moving forwards in life with renewed strength and clarity. |
Ready for take-off??
We will provide a safe and loving bedding in which there is plenty of time to explore, dive deep and come out refreshed and with renewed life energy.
If this resonates with you, join us for the take off on Saturday 14th of September 2024.
Body Mind Soul Spirit
Learning tools & practices
Elise combines a wide range of knowledge, different techniques and practices ranging from: bodywork, embodiment & movement practices, to cutting edge neuroscience, ancient wisdom and healing techniques of the shaman's, body&mind language interventions, ritual and sharing. Alongside there is life music played by Daniel, making every workshop into a sacred inner journey.
Let's embarque on this 4 - week journey
into the heart of your being
Places are limited to 8 participants. Please register yourself to secure your seat.
If you are not sure if this is for you or you have a personal question you can write to Elise:
Practical information
- Dates: Saturday 14 & 21 of September; Saturday 5 & 12 of October. 2024.
- Time: 10:00 - 13:00
- Location: Earth& sky; Sutan Sjahrirstraat 27, 2033 CL Haarlem.
- Language: Dutch
- 1-1 sessions before/during/after available on request
- with Elise: shamanic healing, osteopathy, body mind soul coaching
- with Dani: yoga & sound healing.
In the world of today, where so many images no longer serve us nor the whole, it is our duty to look beyond what we know and open our hearts again; connect with out inner wisdom, each other and the source of all life.
So let's open our eyes again, let our hearts feel what is true, grow in loving presence and awareness, transform and heal.
It takes incredible courage and strength to move beyond that what we know, to stop identifying with our patterns, feelings and stories of our past. Yet it is in only in truth that we can really rise and live our greatness, in service of the all.
So let's come together, and walk the path of truth, wisdom and aliveness.
See you at the gate!
Elise & Dani
What other people say
Bij Elise voelde ik me direct gezien en gehoord. Haar rust geeft meteen vertrouwen. Ik kwam voor coaching op de relatie met mijn dochter maar onverwachts kwamen daar thema's naar boven vanuit opvoeding, jeugd en het effect daarvan op verbindingen met mensen in het hier en nu. Heel bijzonder hoe Elise me heeft begeleid in deze processen. Ze voelt haarfijn aan waar het om gaat en pakt de kern van het probleem eruit. Zo wordt er in iedere sessie weer een laag van de ui afgepeld. Na een aantal sessies stond ik weer in mijn kracht en kon ik meer afstand houden van de dingen die speelden in mijn leven. Als ik weer wat guidance nodig heb kom ik zeker weer terug bij Elise!